19th Japan Film Festival Los Angeles 2024

Congratulation Award!!

Best Support AwardKenko Sone / Consulate General of Japan in Los Angeles
Best Support AwardYuko Kaifu / JAPAN HOUSE LOS ANGELES 
Best Animation AwardNezumikozō Jirokichi
Best Screenplay AwardLet It Be: Progress / Bloom
Best SDGs AwardWhale Restaurant
Best Comedy AwardWabi-Sabi
Best Action Award Prince meets Ninja
Best Cross Culture AwardYuri
Best Sci-Fi AwardSynapse 
Best Hero AwardHimukaizer
Best Short AwardDragonfly
Best Short+ AwardMs. Destiny
Best Documentary AwardThe Gardener
Best Passion Award〜18 Blossom〜
Best Japanese American AwardThe Unreachable Star
Chanoma AwardWho’s dancing now?
Best Actor AwardMasahiko Nishimura / [MADO]
Nobuhiko Obayashi AwardLightning Over the Beyond

<feature films> 長編

<Short-Plus films> 短編プラス(中編)

<Short films> 短編

JFFLA 2024 will start on Sep.1 for online screenings.

Sep. 13. Welcome Party in The Japan Foundation LA (Guest only)

Sep.14. Theater Screenings

am11-pm5 @Hang on the dream theatre (theater parking) 
1625 Las Palmas Hollywood, CA. 90028

Sep.15. Theater Screenings

am11-pm5 @Hang on the dream theatre  
1625 Las Palmas Hollywood, CA. 90028 (theater parking)

Sep.15. Special program and Award ceremony

am11-pm8 @JAPAN HOUSE Hollywood, Salon
6801 Hollywood Blvd, Level 5 Los Angeles, CA 90028

JFFLA2024 theme song “U ARE”

Kaoru Enjoji: Singer/songwriter, City Pop Vocalist, originally from Sapporo, Japan. Her journey has led to the creation of a distinctive sound that blends J-pop with the dynamic energy of Los Angeles. 
円城寺カオル: 北海道札幌生まれ。 幼い頃から音楽へ情熱をもち、発展を求めて渡米。ロサンゼルスに拠点を置く。 現地のアーティストと交流を深め、共にライブやコンサート活動を行い、 音楽をはじめ、文化や生き方そのものへの視野も広げ、 数々のグラミー賞アーティストとも共演をはたす。近年では、City Pop Duo, Mellowtiqueのボーカルとして、ドイツのレーベルからアルバムをリリース。