Welcome to Japan Film festival in LA 2024
JFFLA is accepting volunteers who are interested in planing events, PR, producing an ad video, foreign language translation, guest services, and more. We are planning to have the 2024 festival in October. Of course, we are welcoming people who just love films or organizing events! Even if you don’t have any experience, don’t worry. It’s going to be your first and the best experience! As a volunteer, definitely you will get the opportunity to grow up in the specific field. We do not just want you to help us. We want you to make new connections which lead to your next step and expand your possibilities!
JFFLA is accepting volunteers who are interested in planing events, PR, producing an ad video, foreign language translation, guest services, and more. We are planning to have the 2024 festival in October. Of course, we are welcoming people who just love films or organizing events! Even if you don’t have any experience, don’t worry. It’s going to be your first and the best experience! As a volunteer, definitely you will get the opportunity to grow up in the specific field. We do not just want you to help us. We want you to make new connections which lead to your next step and expand your possibilities!
2024年度 ボランティア募集!JFFLAでは、来年度の映画祭開催に向けてボランティアを募集しています。もちろん、映画に興味がある方は大歓迎!また、これまでに映画祭のボランティア経験がない方でも、この機会を通して貴重な経験を得て、新しい仲間と思い出作ることができます!自分の特いな分野のスキルを鍛えることができるだけでなく、将来に繋がる新たなコネクションを築き、まだ見ぬ可能性を広げることができるはずです!少しでも、興味を持った方!映画祭へのご質問等ございましたらご連絡ください。
[映画祭について] 開催予定:10月会場:リアル会場とオンライン会場のハイブリッド上映ボランティア内容:イベントの計画、映画祭の運営、宣伝、映像制作、会場設営、通訳など
Contact Us
If you have any question about us or be ready to become a volunteer, please contact us!