News & Message

Message from dir, MAO / Mado
Message from cast, Masahiko Nishimura / Mado
Message from Hako Oshima/ Mado
Message form Ninomiya/ Mado
Message form Jigoro / Mado
Message form MEGUMI / Mado
Message form Ryoko Kobayashi / Mado
Message from Cast, Brake Crawford and Director, Fumie Nishikawa
Message from Micky Curtis / Ms. Destiny
Rafu-Shimpo 08-29-2024
Nikkan Sun Sep. 2024
Orange Network Sep.2024
Lighthouse Sep.2024
Japan Up! Sep.2024
Weekly LALALA Sep.2024
Nikkan Sun
Rafu Shimpo

JFFLA2023 Theme Music “Love is Like an Aurora” by Mia Ando

Mia Ando Bio
Originally from Japan, Mia is an actor, writer, producer, poet, and lyricist. She has written lyrics to more than 300 songs for various artists, her credits including, “Adabana -Sora ni Mau-“( Rekochoku MV Daily Rankings No. 1 ), “Tsumugi Bito” (No. 5 in the iTunes Store • J-Pop MV • Japan Division), and “We’ll Find a Dawn”, the opening theme for TV anime “Ame no Yamanai Mura (Village Where the Rain Never Stops)”. “Love is Like au Aurora” is a song inspired by her trip to Alaska, where she saw the great northern lights. Mia is grateful that now she can share this song with all of you at the Japan Film Festival Los Angeles.

Nikkan Sun
Cultural News
JFFLA 2022 official Song “blue”

3.10-3.16.2022 3.11 online screening event.
from “PALETTE” staff
A Downtown Doctor director Yasutaka Mohri interview (2021-10-07)
Peaceful Death director Banmei Takahashi Interview (2021-10-07)
JFFLA2021 official song “Orizuru” performed by Kat McDowell.
“Peaceful Death” ” A down Town Doctor” “Microplastic Madness” interview by Orange Network(2021-10)
Rafu-Shimpo (09/30/2021)
Lighthouse (10/1/2021)
“Love and the Grand Tug-of-war” 大綱引の恋 producer Seishiro Nishida interview by Weekly LALALA (9/24/2021)
*The Rafu-Shimpo (9/28/2021)
*Nikkan Sun (9/26/2021)
Welcome Screening Q&A (9/24/2021)
Welcome Short Film Screenings from 9/24(Fri.)-9/26(Sun) (9/23/2021)